How to get Good Cotton Crop [ Narma] with Drip Irrigation

To achieve a good crop of cotton with drip irrigation, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Site selection: Choose a suitable location for your cotton farm with good soil fertility, proper drainage, and adequate water supply.
  2. Irrigation system design: Design an efficient drip irrigation system that provides the right amount of water to your cotton plants at regular intervals. You can also use a water management system to monitor soil moisture levels and adjust the water flow accordingly.
  3. Crop preparation: Prepare the soil by adding organic matter and fertilizers to improve soil fertility and reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases.
  4. Seed selection: Choose high-quality cotton seeds with a good germination rate and plant them at the right time and depth.
  5. Irrigation scheduling: Schedule the irrigation based on the crop’s water requirements, soil type, and weather conditions. Ensure that the cotton plants receive a consistent supply of water throughout the growing season.
  6. Fertigation: Fertigation is the process of applying fertilizers through the irrigation system. Use a balanced fertilizer mix to provide the cotton plants with the right amount of nutrients for optimal growth.
  7. Pest and disease management: Monitor your cotton crops regularly for any signs of pests and diseases and take appropriate action to control them.
  8. Harvesting: Harvest your cotton crops when the bolls are fully mature and ready for picking.

By following these steps, you can achieve a good crop of cotton with drip irrigation and improve your yields.

Capt Rajeshwar Singh

for representation purpose

Solar Energy’s benefit in farming

  • Saves water which is the main requirement for survival to flora and fauna. we donot rely on hydro power hence less water use more to storage.
  • Solar energy does not pollute the air. It convert the solar energy into electricity to run pumps , equipment’s and houses.
  • Widespread use of solar energy slows climate change. More we use more we cut down on the traditional use of electricity. This help in preserving our fossil fuels.
  • Solar energy reduces the carbon footprint. No oil , no coal, no wood . Just plain solar energy which convert sun light to electricity.
  • Solar energy reduces the dependence on fossil fuels. We are getting empowered and ready for future. we have alternative source for various other method to produce energy which is not good for environment.
  • It has Zero energy production costs. There are no moving part, no friction , no torque and no energy requirement to produce energy.
  • Little or no loss of energy during transportation. The solar system work at the site which help in loss of transmission.
  • Reduced electricity costs due less use of integrated system with power production.
  • Diversification of the revenue stream in energy sector.
  • Increased ability to install high-value, shade- resistant crops for new markets. we can have different intercropping in solar farms and area of solar system to generate more revenue and financial independence.
  • Marketing opportunity to sustainability-mindful audience of society who cares for the environment.
  • Ability to maintain crop production during solar generation. This is dual purpose system produce power and food.
  • Allow for nutrient and land recharge of degraded lands. Lets land get time to breath.
  • Potential for water use reduction in all activity.
  • Potential to extend growing seasons due to intercropping and solar power with drip irrigation

What are the advantages of solar energy for farmers? With solar energy, you can avoid those grueling costs while maintaining your farm. Also, solar energy frees farmers from electricity spikes or times when electricity is all consumed at once. Electric companies will bill farmers much more for ‘disrupting’ the power system.

The solar system generate power for us silently and the initial capital cost is recovered in short time. Farmer is not required to wait for electricity to run his farming activity. The assured power in day time let him plan in advance for his all activities.

The solar power is very useful and should be used by all for their farming use.

To know more about use of Solar energy in farming do send a mail to us.