MSP Rates increased by Govt of India

The new MSP rates for the six Rabi crops are as follows: Wheat: 2 per cent MSP hike to a rate of Rs 2,015 per quintal, with 100 per cent returns over the cost of production. Rapeseed and Mustard: 8.6 per cent MSP hike to a rate of Rs 5,050 per quintal, with 100 per cent returns over the cost of production.

This Rabi Crops MSP 2020-21 increase is followed by Rapeseed & Mustard (Rs. 225 per quintal) and gram (Rs. 225 per quintal) to raise the income of farmers. MSP of safflower is increased by Rs. 112 per quintal and Barley MSP raised by Rs. 75 per quintal. The least increase is observed for the Wheat Crops which is raised by Rs. 50 per quintal

The govt has released a press notification regarding various rate increase of the Rabi crops.

This will help to farmers in long run. The rates increase will boost the economical condition of the farmers and they will get their dues of capital investment.

This rate increase the boost the farmers morale to plan his next produce. Due to no water in Rajasthan canal, less rains the western Rajasthan is undergoing drought situation.

Happy Rabi crop Season ahead for all farmers.