Poly Houses / Green House -Need of Hour

As more and more challenges are faced by the farmers , we should go for modern techniques to save water , less electricity , less pesticides, more produce in less area, less use of inorganic manure and move towards organic produce.

We cannot depend on traditional farming when the challenges are growing day by day. Green house farming is the need of hour. We can take various farming produce with the use of poly houses. This require less space, less water , less loss due to external factors.

Before starting the poly house the farmer should do through study of the Green houses available in market and people who are using it. There is big hub of green houses Talegaon Near Pune . One must which should visit these hub having 100 of companies using poly houses. There are many companies in MIDC Talegaon ,Pune.

In Rajasthan also there is big push for Green houses and we can see many poly houses in Bikaner District also.

I have visited one of the poly houses producing ornamental plants. You can see with small area they are doing wonders.

Green houses Poly type.
Poly houses

Poly House Accessories

Capt Rajeshwar Singh